Sunday 18 December 2011


after 6 months of traveling,
over 15 000kms,
in 1 van

to 7 different countries,
through 12 countries, 
with 7 people becoming family 
with over 100 group hugs,
and 1 God blessing us enormously

it has sadly come to an end.

It is hard to put into words
the incredible times we have all had.
and all the ways that God has taken care of us.
and how we have all changed and grown in Him
and what God has shown us
and the people we have met
and the way we love one another
and the fun times we have had

but we thank God continually for all these things.
none of us will ever forget transit team.

we are all excited to go home/back to life hope but please contiue to pray for us as we figure out and wait patiently for God to show us where we are to go in our next stages of life.

thank you everyone who followed us through this journey, and for all your love and prayers.
we love you all.

fare thee well.

(kristie said she might update when she gets home. who knows if that will happen, but just so you keep your eyes peeled. it aint over till it's over ;))

Thursday 15 December 2011

....Farewell Finale....

As we approach our FINAL 3 days of this amazing journey, I will be taking us on a stroll down memory lane.  

July 2011 Transform Conference in Rome, Italy


Happy Birthday Quenny! December 5, Algarve, Portugal.

After 2 solid days of driving (12 hours per day) we arrived safely at our destination in southern Portugal on the 1st of December. God has been so amazing to us, protecting and providing every step of the way.
During the past 2 weeks we have had the priviledge of being part of and serving 5 churches. 4 of these churches are led by and largely populated by Brazilians. There are many Brazilians in Portugal, and Brazilian missionaries have come spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and build His church.
These Brazilians are amazing, passionate people. They were so kind, so welcoming, so hospitable and taught us a lot about what it means to love like Christ has loved us.

Quentin Van Winden Reporter

Quentin Van Winden reporting live from Porto, Portugal

Hey everyone! How are we?
Before I precede I'd like to sincerely and formally apologise on behalf of the team for our lack of updating. We do very much appreciate all of you who support us, follow us and pray for us. While we could come up with many reasons for our tardiness in this matter, we have no real excuse.We hope you can forgive us and we can move past this together.

Sunday 27 November 2011


The last two weeks our team has been working at a homeless shelter in Paris. It is a place for the men and women to eat, get clothes, claim as their address, and hear about the word of GOD! Everyday at five and six o'clock we serve them dinner. Before the meal begins we sing, share a testimony, or read from the scripture and pray for the meal. After we get done serving the food we walk around and talk with the men and women. God blessed us with many ENGLISH speakers that we could communicate with! Praise the Lord! I met a man from Africa who spoke very good English. As we began to speak he opened up and told me about his life. He got fired from his job, he lost his wife and kids, he has no house or money, and in order for him to try and get another job he has to have a certain type of paperwork. I did not fully understand the situation with the paperwork but I asked if I could pray that he would get the paperwork he needed if it was the Lord's will. He said "YES!"

The following Thursday he came to the shelter again. We were talking about his day and he told me had been reading the book of John. I was pleasantly surprised! I then remembered about the paperwork and asked him how that was going and I got the best answer! "I got my paperwork because of God!" How exciting it was to see that man understand it is our Lord and Savior who does EVERYTHING for us! Please continue to pray for France and the lives we met this week. They are searching and God is doing awesome things in France!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Paris is a million different things to a million different people

Paris is my mums favourite city in the world. And I would agree.

“Well informed, eloquent and oh-so-romantic, the ‘City of Light’ is a philosopher, a poet, a crooner. As it always has been, Paris is a million different things to a million different people.” - Lonely Planet

And it is beautiful and eloquent and magical but most of all it is lost. This city although amazing has broken each one of our hearts. Only 0.8% of the population are Christian. These people know that they live in the one of the most beautiful cities in the world, yet they feel empty and this is because they need God, they need the peace and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Over the past 2 weeks we have been working in a homeless centre in Paris. Most nights of the week we go in and help serve food, give a bible study and sit and talk to those who come in. but most of all we show Gods love. Each night there are around 80 people who come. It has been amazing to get to know the regulars and speak to them or just laugh with them at our lack of French. It is exciting yet heart breaking when we can have a personal conversation with a man or woman who shares with us how they got this point, it is amazing to be able to pray for them, to share with them the love of God. that it doesn’t matter that they have no possessions because Gods wants us, not our possessions.
We have been so blessed to be able to be a part of their lives for a couple of weeks and the stories they have shared with us.
God, once again has been working in a amazing ways.
(stories to come)